September '24

KES School Governance Minutes Monday, September 23, 2024 3:15 pm
■ Erica Tarnacki - participated via phone ○ Members Present
■ Matt Wall
■ Mandy Power
■ Lauren Tumlin
■ Sheryl Edmondson
■ Kathy Galati
■ Kim Bennett
■ Allison Conley
2. Special Recognitions
○ The team recognized Sheryl Edmondson and Allison Conley as new members to the team.
3. All members participated in the Annual School Governance Team training, where roles, responsibilities and by-laws were discussed.
4. The team nominated Mandy Power as KES SGC Chairperson.
○ Kim Bennett made the motion to approve.
○ Allison Conley made the second
○ All members voted in favor, none opposed
5. The team nominated Lauren Tumlin as KES SGC Vice-Chairperson
○ Kim Bennett made the motion to approve
○ Allison Conley made the second
○ All members voted in favor, none opposed
6. Chairperson Mrs. Power asked for the approval of the September agenda
○ Matt Wall made motion to approve
○ Sheryl Edmondson gave the 2nd
○ All members voted in favor, none opposed
7. Approval of minutes
○ Minutes from the May meeting were unavailable. Mrs. Tumlin and Mrs. Power shared a
summary of items discussed which included a new administrative team and new staff. Meeting
dates were also agreed upon. 8. Old business
○ None at this time
 9. New business
○ Safety Updates
■ Mrs. Bennett shared safety updates that Dawson County has made with the team. Items included: gates to playground locked, window wrapping, audio enhancement buttons to alert for emergencies, training that was held for all students, and duties of school resource officer daily.
■ The SGC team suggested sending a Safety newsletter to parents to keep them informed. It was also mentioned that a safety video from Mr. Wooten may be beneficial. In February, Mr. Wooten will join the SGC to provide information and answer any questions regarding school safety.
○ The FY25 KES Master schedule was shared with the team.
○ The FY25 KES School Improvement Plan was shared with the team. Data from the fall MAP
assessment was discussed with baseline data for reading and math goals highlighted. The action steps in the plan were also reviewed. A copy of the SIP plan was given out. It can also be found on the school website.
○ FY25 Fundraisers were shared with the team. The art department will be doing Square One Art in the Fall and Artome in the Spring. KES will be hosting an online pop-corn sale in November and in January the Domino’s Slice the Price card campaign.
■ Matt Wall made the motion to approve all KES Fundraisers.
■ Sheryl Edmondson gave the second.
■ All members voted in favor, none opposed
○ The Dawson County Charter mini-grants applications were discussed.
■ Kathy Galati made the motion to approve.
■ Lauren Tumlin gave the second.
■ All members voted in favor, none opposed
10. Mrs. Bennett shared upcoming events with the SGC.
○ 10/11 PBIS Q1 Assembly @ 8:20
○ 10/18 Q1 PBIS Event
○ 10/23-31 KES Red Ribbon Week
○ 10/29 SGC Meeting
11. Information for future meetings
○ In October, the SGC will host Dr. V.Brannon, Mrs. Purdy and Mrs. Thomas to share information
on healthcare, social emotional learning and the Title I program.
○ In November, Mrs. Nicole LeCave will join the team to share One Dawson updates..
12. The meeting ended and an adjournment was called for. ○ Matt Wall made a motion to adjourn the meeting ○ Lauren Tumlin gave the second

○ All members voted in favor, none opposed
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